One out of 10 people have a serious substance use problem. Worst of all 85% don’t seek treatment. We are committed to improving the access and treatment efficacy of substance use disorder. Areas of focus are developing, deploying and supporting technology/ based solutions for general substance use disorders and opioid use disorders.

Mental Health Advocacy

One of five adults suffer from mental health issues. We believe that this growing problem can be effectively addressed through telehealth solutions. We support programs that use telehealth solutions to expand the reach and effectiveness of treatment. We believe an approach that combines effective digital engagement with compassionate support is the most effective way of addressing a variety of mental health concerns..


Prisoner Reentry

Over 70% of released prisoners will be re-arrested in five years and over 1/2 within the first year. Reintegration into today’s digital society is more complicated than ever. We support projects that understand that it takes a multi prong approach to address the issues of the reentrant. We believe that holistic solutions are always the best approach.

Neo Natal Abstinence Syndrome

In some areas of the US one of 4 babies are born addicted to opioids. The cost for treatment of NAS babies often 10 to 20 times that of normal births. Even after effective treatment their road in life is severely hampered. We support holistic treatment solutions and methodologies. The emphasis should be by expanding the connectivity to the community to ensure success of the affected children.